• Start time

  • End time

The Event

Come hang out for our last signature hackathon of 2015!

Apps for Philly Sustainability is part hackathon and part unconference. We’re excited to be included in this year’s State of Young Philadelphia organized by Young Involved Philadelphia. Though often convoluted, in this context sustainability is thought of broadly. We're hacking to make our city better, through collaboration and creative thinking, for a sustainable future.

This event will bring together technologists, community organizers, and sustainability enthusiasts/experts for a weekend-long…


Friday, October 16th

Community Needs Assessment

Location WHYY (150 6th St, Philadelphia, PA 19106)

This Friday night event will be open to all Philadelphians to come discuss how technology can improve sustainability in our city, generating project ideas for the Apps for Philly Sustainability: Hackathon taking place over the following Saturday and Sunday. This event will be held at WHYY as part of the YIP’s SoYP Civic Fair.

Teams will be free to choose to work on whatever they want over the hackathon, but the posted ideas and votes they accumulate provide an easy starting point for building teams.

Saturday, October 17th

Doors and registration open, breakfast and coffee served

Walk around and look through the idea placards posted during last night’s community needs assessment and think about what you want to work on

Opening remarks

Jason Cox, My Milkcrate co-founder and CTO @jasocox

Hear an overview of the event and an introduction to civic hacking and hackathons

Team formation

Hang out next to the placard for your favorite project idea and discover who shares your interest

Hacking begins!

Find a spot to setup shop with your team and get started. Visit the mentor lounge at any time if you need guidance

Lunch served and workshops
Dinner served

Sunday, October 18th

Doors open, breakfast and coffee served
Snacks and presentation wrap-up
Present and/or demo your project to the experts and your co-hackers
Clean up and doors close